Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

Seasons of Change

I’ve learned to welcome the discomfort and aching that proceeds a season of change in my life. It sounds like my body banging on the door of my conscious mind on behalf of my soul to say, “No. Not this. No. No more.”

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

So WTF is EFT Anyway?!

It seems that Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) finds you when you need it and sticks with you once you observe its permanent effects on your life. That's been my experience anyway.

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

Good News about Your Inner Critic

The inner critic, that harsh voice born from our ego, contributes elaborative chatter in our minds propelled by hyper awareness. It’s creative and descriptive. And that's the good news it offers: that level of awareness and creativity can shapeshift into a different narrative—one free from judgment.

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

What if you let yourself off the hook?!

Decisions and consequences sew together the fabric of our lives. We decide how we'll judge the decisions we've made and how acceptable (or not) the consequences are. We quilt together story (thoughts), meaning (emotions), and consequences (behaviors).

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

Shifting into Neutral ... NOW!

I can get pretty excitable and activated by the hullabaloo of holiday shenanigans—shopping, gifts, sales, others' expectations, divisive conversations—even though I am not sure I resonate with some of the holidays' origins.

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

For the people I have found 🎶

I've had a "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters" ear-worm for days now ... or maybe it's been years, really. Thank you, Sir Elton John! And, thank you to my old boss man, Craig.

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

Kindness Spreads

In the midst of political mud-slinging, news of violence, and bombardment of hate language, one woman, Sarah Bigler, took time to spread the word of kindness. She slowed down and took the time to witness and see patience, tolerance, and kindness in action.

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

Can I Trust Myself?

For as long as I can remember, I seek guidance from external sources. And if I’m really honest, it goes beyond guidance. I look to others to tell me what I should do. I waffle, obfuscate, and surrender to others who I believe know better than me.

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Meghan Barich Meghan Barich

Commiserate or Elevate?

In a women’s recovery group I attend twice monthly, we share where we’re at and support each other to focus on a solution. We help one another live healthier lives—spiritually, mentally, emotionally—one day at a time.

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